Thursday, March 30, 2006

Hypocritic Oath Award Pin

For having robbed the US Treasury of $billions via the false billing of Medicare for expenses not incurred and services not rendered. For Health Corp. of America, of which Bill Frist notoriously sold his holdings at a fortuitously timed: right before it plummeted, and which itself paid $1.7 billion in fraud settlements, leaving an unknown net profit earned. "Republican senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), asserted that the $1.7 billion deal hardly covered the awesome fraud perpetuated by HCA." For lying in an attempt to partisanize Terri Schiavo. For serving on no less than six committees on healthcare while in public office, while remaining a major shareholder in a for-profit healthcare conglomerate, and consistently supporting legislation benefitting said conglomerate. For replying to the need for healthcare in this country with, "America enjoys the best health care in the world, but the best is no good if folks can't afford it, access it and doctor's can't provide it," and following that up with the current republican medicare bureaucracy that is impeding as many folks from affording healthcare as could be impeded. And, for still aspiring to the office of President of the United States, we humbly offer Republican senator Bill Frist this gold-colored design for an Award for Outstanding Acheivement in Self-Service and the Upholding of the Hypocritic Oath.


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