Friday, March 24, 2006

The Cajun Prisoner

-kb, VV staff Disgruntled Editor

Neil Bush, brother of the President, and CEO of Ignite!, an educational software enterprise, has seen a virtual windfall in Hurricane Katrina. Neil's mother, Barbara Bush, a chief investor and board member of Ignite!, has "donated" an undisclosed sum to the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund, in a scam now known as "The Cajun Prisoner." Unlike "The Prisoner of Silverado" scam, in which Neil conned retirees into investing in worthless stocks & bonds, leaving the taxpayer holding the $1.3 billion bag, "The Cajun Prisoner" works like this: The scammer "donates" to his own charity, stipulating the "donation" be spent on purchasing the scammer's own product. The donation is fully tax deductable. The scammer's floundering company then reports huge earnings, artificially inflating its value. Barb and Neil then award themselves hefty severance packages, accept competitive bonuses, and reap handsome profits from the sale of Ignite! at its falsely-inflated value to Croney Investments Inc., a taxpayer subsidized, for-profit intermediary. When Ignite! then quickly goes belly-up, Croney Investments Inc., will be fully reimbursed by the taxpayer via Small Business Administration underwriting, after paying its board hefty salaries and bonuses, leaving small investors to take it up with their Congressman, Senator Croney.

Read all about Neil Bush here, and bask in the truly superior breeding that makes the Bush Monarchy a National Treasure to continue both aspiring and tithing to.

List of financiers, other than Bushco, Inc., here.


Blogger C-dell said...

The people with money in this country do that they get over on the little man to make themselves more money. It is a sad truth

8:23 AM  

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