Saturday, February 28, 2009

Social Security

I originally had "Do Not Mess With It" below "It's like this," but my o'lady advised me to remove it. I may put it back. It's the sentiment behind designing an appropriate logo for the appropriate logo-less, yet oh so beloved Social Security Agency, this evening. It'll be available on a t-shirt. Click here.

We can't forget the republic party's attempted use of George Bush to try and hand the Wall Street Cronies the cash cow of SSI. If they'd had their way, SSI would be broke today. Bonuses would have been paid, retreats to the Caribbean would have been jaunted, secret offshore accounts would have been stuffed. SSI would be bankrupt. Grover Norquist would be ecstatic, but the other 90% of the generation would not. I would not.

Social Security is a safety net. It's not a personal savings account. It's a social contract in which we agree to band together for the common purpose during our primes, and will then make sure we all have a minimum of existence beyond the prime. Semper fi. That's patriotism. Semper fi.

Social Security is a safety net. It's not a personal savings account. If you don't need it you shouldn't qualify for it. Yes you paid in, but it's an insurance policy, not a savings account. You pay fire insurance, no fire, no collect. SSI is poor insurance; not poor, no collect. John McCain collects SSI, despite being worth $100 mil. That's wrong. John McCain should not qualify for SSI, and is a huge asshole for having filed for it. Yeah, he was a POW, that's not a lifetime pass to be an ass. He ditched is first wife for the beer heiress, has been a career politician (public service is very lucrative at his level), and is just plain loaded. He dosn't need SSI, he's just on the dole because he can. As are every senior, need it or not. This is wrong. It should be something you qualify for, and the qualification should be liberal. Middle class would qualify, upper class, not. Under the ViceVoices plan John McCain would definitely not qualify.

SSI is a generational bond; we bring up the young, we were brought up by the old. We were always there for each other. SSI is that inherent pact, that human agreement, acknowledged and shared among us as a whole.

SSI is civilization epitomized. It is not a commodity to be gamed by wall street. It is not a bunch of lazy, old bums. it is the continuum of fathers and sons, mother and daughters, fathers and daughters... mothers and sons... aunts and uncles... It's society, it's civilized. It's human.

SSI is a pay as you go agreement between generations. As that, it is and will remain secure. As it should be.